Blood Ties (The Edge of Forever Book 2) Page 11
“Are you trying to distract me from dinner?” He whispered against my mouth. “Because it’s working.” I shook my head, but held him there. Releasing whatever he held in his hands, he wrapped his arms around me.
“I just missed you today,” I whispered, pulling back.
He gave me a grin that tugged at my heart. “I miss you every day.”
I returned his smile before walking out the room to change.
After I changed into something comfortable, I returned to the kitchen, jumping up to sit on the counter. Grayson had made chicken Florentine with a white wine sauce. He also had a saucepan filled with blood that I could smell simmering. Even though he would drink from me later, he still made sure there was warm blood for me.
“Hungry?” he asked.
Once we were seated in the dining room and dinner was served Grayson told me about his work day.
“I was thinking about our wedding,” he spoke throwing me off guard causing me to choke on my food.
“Really?” I questioned before taking a sip of wine to clear my airway. “What about it?”
He spoke casually while he swirled his pasta onto his fork; always the confident business man. “I was thinking June sixteenth.”
I smiled. A June wedding. “You wanna get married in June?”
“Is June no good?” He challenged, putting on his negotiation gloves.
“No, no, no. June is fine.” I grinned. “Next year? The year after?”
He looked up at me. His confidence was replaced with confusion. “This year.”
My eyebrows shot up to my hairline as I almost spit my wine across the table. That was six months away. There was no way we could pull that off in time. Places in New York booked years in advance. I relayed all this to him.
“Gaby, if you want to wait longer, we can. I’m not trying to rush you. I just figured, why wait? If June this year is what you want, don’t underestimate the power money has.”
I didn’t want to wait. I wanted to be his wife. “Carpe diem or YOLO or whatever they’re saying now.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means June sixteenth sounds perfect.”
“Oh, and there is a club I’m thinking about buying.”
“Another club, Grayson?” I sighed with a smile while I enjoyed the show that was Grayson dressing for work.
The last club Grayson had been interested in had ended in his death.
He grinned devilishly at me. “It’s not that bad, Gabriella. Friday I’m going to check it out,” he spoke while tying his tie. “It’s actually a strange story. I was contacted by the owner who’s hoping to sell. He’s been in the business for so long he just wants out.”
“It’s odd that he contacted you directly. Wouldn’t he put the word out and wait to hear back.”
Grayson nodded. “Normally, yes. I’ve approached people before about buying something they hadn’t thought to sell, but this is the first time it’s happened the other way around. I had them send the books over last week. My guys checked them over and everything is in order. There’s nothing lost or unaccountable. The business has been thriving.”
“Then why does he want to sell?”
Grayson shrugged. “He says he just wants out, but trust me if there is anything fishy, my people will be able to sniff it out long before I sign on the dotted line.”
“Friday huh? So I should make plans with Shawn then?” Maybe this would be a good time to see if he was serious about actually helping me.
“I was hoping you’d come with me. In fact, Mr. Malach wishes for you to attend. He heard that you were a party planner and wanted to discuss some business with you and figured he’d kill two birds with one stone.”
“Is this man trying to be our guardian angel or something?”
Grayson shrugged on his jacket. “I have no idea, but I’m going to hear him out before I cast judgment.”
“Good. Keep an open mind.”
“And you?” His lips pulled into an uneven smirk.
“You know I’m not as opened minded as you.”
Shawn had shown up just as Grayson was leaving. I told Shawn about Grayson’s business meeting which he found odd too.
“What man asks another man to bring his fiancée along to a business meeting? That’s just weird. You’re not going, are you?”
“Of course I’m going. Grayson asked me to and it’s a rare thing for him to do.”
“I dunno Gabs.” He shook his head. “Something about this whole situation just feels weird.”
“What do you think a couple of humans are going to do to two vampires?”
“I guess you’re right. What’s the name of this club?”
“Cave Lamia.”
“Even the name is weird,” he sighed. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
And I did.
Friday came in a blur. It found me staring at my side of the huge walk-in closet debating how to dress. It was a club, so should I dress like I would go out? It was also a business meeting for me and Grayson, so dress-casual? Ugh… I had nothing in-between. I would stick out like a sore thumb if I wore any of my old work outfits to a club, but I also didn’t want to wear one of my dresses that if I bent over my ass would fall out.
Grayson found me a short while later still standing there raging war on my internal dilemma.
“Still nothing?” his mouth quirked in amusement.
I bowed my head in frustration. “God, Grayson, I have no idea. I need something club worthy that also would be okay for a business meeting. I wish Shawn was here.” I turned staring at him wearing dark jeans and a black button down. “Is that what you’re wearing?” I questioned.
“Is there something wrong with it?” He ran his hand down his chest smoothing out the fabric. It was a nervous gesture.
“No. Absolutely not. You look fantastic. God!” I groaned. “Why is it so much easier for men.”
Grayson grunted in amusement as he approached me. “Gaby, it’s not difficult to pick something out. You’d look incredible in whatever you choose.”
“Easy for you to say,” I mumbled.
Rolling his eyes he spoke. “You want me to pick out what I think you should wear?”
“Please?” I didn’t one hundred percent trust Grayson’s female fashion sense. He was no Shawn, but I had been staring at my closet for over an hour and hadn’t removed one piece of clothing. Nothing had seemed worthy to even look at.
Reaching in, he quickly grabbed a hanger. I quirked my eyebrow thinking he couldn’t have possible picked anything worthwhile.
“Here,” he handed it to me.
I let my eyes rack over it. Grayson had handed me a black dress that would come to rest mid-thigh. The back was open half way and the front was complete covered. It would be appropriate for a business meeting, but wouldn’t get me judgmental stares at a club either.
“Okay, how the hell did you do that?”
Grayson chuckled. It vibrated through me doing treacherous things to my body, but I tried not to think about that. We needed to go.
“I’m guessing I did well?”
“You did great.” I grabbed his shirt pulling him down to my level until his lips brushed mine.
“Good, then get dressed so we can leave soon.” He kissed me quickly then swatted my ass before leaving me alone once again.
When we arrived at Cave Lamia, Grayson led me to the man with the clip board standing on the other side of the rope. As we approached, something rippled across my skin. It was an eerie feeling. I looked around to see what could have caused it. I noticed the doorman was watching me with a questionable look, like he was seeing something no one else saw when he looked at me. My eyes were locked with his trying to figure out if he was the cause of what I was sensing when a headlight streaked across his face making his chocolate brown eyes reflect the light much like that of an animal. I hissed a breath when I realized what it was I was feeling. The man was a supernatural, but not
just any. He was a vampire.
I did my best not to let my distress show as Grayson pulled me to a stop in front of the unknown vampire.
“Mr. Alexander, Miss Carmichael,” he spoke our names with a nod to each of us. “Welcome to Cave Lamia. Mr. Malach has been notified of your arrival and asks that you wait at the bar. He will be along shortly.” The vampire held the rope up for us so we could pass which was met with a loud chorus of groans from the dozens of people waiting in line. My eyes stayed locked on the vampire until I would have to break my neck to continue watching him.
Grayson and I did as we were instructed and took a seat at the bar. It was strange seeing a vampire working at a human establishment. Even nomads who choose not to be a part of a nest didn’t do common mundane jobs. As bad as it sounds, most vampires didn’t work. The older ones, who’d made their fortune years or centuries ago, invested. The newbies, once they’re able to, would normally influence people to give them things: money, cars, and houses. It was the reason most newbies served the nest for some time before they were released. The older masters didn’t approve of the methods the newer vampires were using. Perhaps this vampire wanted to earn his money the legitimate way. Maybe it was the ripple of power across my skin or the way he knew exactly what I was when we approached. Whatever it was, something inside me told me he was no newbie.
Pushing the thought aside, I tried to mentally prepare for this strange meeting. After waiting for twenty minutes, I decided to order a drink.
“Gaby, this is a business meeting, for us both.”
“I know that, Grayson, but this man has kept us waiting and it’s not like one drink will do anything for me.”
Forty minutes and two drinks later, I was done with the idea of a business meeting.
“Come dance with me, baby,” I begged Grayson as I slid off the stool.
“Gaby…” he sighed. “How about you dance right here for me?”
I smiled and stepped between his knees. “I can do that.” I wiggled my body back and forth with the sway of my hips. My arms slid up around the back of Grayson’s neck allowing me to thread my fingers in his hair. After a moment had passed, I felt Grayson’s hands find their way to my hips following me as I moved.
“Do you know what you’re doing to me right now?” He hissed against my ear. The strain in his voice forced my lower muscles to clench and I let out a soft moan. “Jesus Gabriella! I’m about to say to hell with this meeting and take you home.” I felt his fingers trail down my thigh until they found the hem of my dress. Gently, they eased under it. Shrieks from the dance floor brought me back to reality. I realized what I was doing to Grayson and what I was about to allow him to do to me. I grabbed his hand, stopping his assent. I could feel him grinning against my neck.
“Later?” He challenged. I nodded my head tentatively. “Alright then. Let me go see if I can find out what’s taking Mr. Malach so long and see if perhaps he wants to reschedule.” He tapped me lightly on my hip silently asking me to let him up. Stepping aside, I watched as he moved gracefully around the bar until he disappeared in the crowd.
“Wow! I thought he’d never leave.” I turned to see a petite woman with blazing red hair sitting next to me. Strange, I hadn’t even heard her approach. How long had she been sitting there? She was staring at me like I held her captivated, then eyed me up and down. It was really uncomfortable. “You. Are. Gorgeous!”
“Um… Thanks.” I turned back looking through the crowd willing Grayson to reappear.
“I mean, I knew you’d be beautiful, but damn.” I looked at her through my peripheral. Her elbow was resting on the bar top as she leaned against it. Her legs were crossed allowing her to bounce her foot in her high stilettos. She looked like someone circa the1920s with her short hair pressed smoothly to her head and her silver dress that glittered and adhered to her figure. I didn’t even bother with a reply. “Come with me,” she abruptly stated. Was this woman serious? She must have been sitting there long enough to have seen me with Grayson and as soon as he left she starts hitting on me. Shawn would be so proud. I rolled my eyes.
“No thanks.” I tried not to sound snide.
“You sure?” She swiveled until her body was facing me. “There are things you want to see; answers you seek. The truth will open your mind and blow your world.”
I doubted it. “As I said, no thanks.”
She sat there grinning for a minute longer before she stood with a shrug. “My mistake. I assumed you were Damian’s daughter. I mean you’re basically a carbon copy of him, but I guess I was wrong.” She turned and began walking way. Then it hit me. Damien. According to my mother, my father’s last known alias was Damien.
“Wait!” I shouted.
She turned and stared at me with a hint of mischief twinkling in her eye. “I knew you couldn’t resist my charms. You must be Gabriella.” She held her hand out for me to shake. “I’m Jade.” It was then I realized she too was a vampire. I had been so busy trying to ignore what I had assumed to be cheesy pickup lines that I hadn’t even noticed the eerie ripple of power I felt coming off of her. It was much stronger than the doorman. She was an old one. “Follow me.”
“Wait! My…”
“Your father wishes to speak with you first,” She cut me off. When she saw I didn’t budge, she continued. “Don’t worry. Your lover is already being detained.”
Detained? What the hell did that mean? Before I could contemplate it more, Jade was on the move. I deliberated only a moment before following her. As much as I detested leaving Grayson to his own devices, I needed to speak with Damien. Nothing was more important and I truly doubted that my father’s people would hurt him. They had no reason to. Jade led me to the back of the club. We walked down a dark corridor that led to a flight of stairs. It was oddly silent back there for a club. Reaching the top step, before Jade even had a chance to knock, the door was opened and we were ushered inside.
There wasn’t anything special to it. It looked like you would expect any office over a club to look. There was a large gunmetal desk resting against the center of the wall farthest away from the door. Gray filing cabinets lined the wall to the right of the desk. Chairs were scattered here and there. I froze as we entered taking everything in and watched as Jade strode over to the large office chair sitting behind the desk that was facing away from the door. Bending down she whispered something that, surprisingly, even my vampire hearing didn’t pick up.
The chair spun around and I couldn’t breathe past the lump that had formed in my throat. He looked so familiar from the shape of his face, his full lips, to his killer cheek bones. Then I saw my eyes looking back at me, all the way from the shape to the sapphire blue color. I had always thought I looked like my mother with our complexion, along with our physique, but looking at this man before me, I knew, without a doubt that I was his daughter.
“Gabriella?” he whispered.
I gave a slight shake of my head to ease myself out of stunned state. “Damien.”
His lips pressed into a tight line. “If that is what you prefer to call me than that will be acceptable.”
“It is.”
“Very well then. It has come to my attention, Gabriella, that you have been searching for me. I assume there is a reason, besides wanting to meet your long lost father.”
“There is.” I saw the corner of his mouth twitch and I thought that I had offended him with my honesty. I could deal with the proper etiquette of meeting my father at another time. For now, I needed to know about Grayson and if Damien could help me save him. I prayed he could. I looked around at the room full of what I had to assume were vampires, with the vibe I felt coming off of them. Damien seemed to notice my glance.
“Would you prefer to speak to in private?”
“I would.”
With a wave of his hand, everyone trailed out the room. “Better?” he inquired once we were alone. I nodded. “Good. Then tell me why you have been tracking me down. It has been causing quite the disturbance fo
r my nest and I.”
I knew why I was there. I needed answers for Grayson, but standing there in front of my father, a man I had always assumed to be dead, I couldn’t help but blurt the one question that had been on my mind since my mother told me he was alive. “Why did you abandon me?” I immediately regretted it. Why he left didn’t matter. Grayson mattered, I told myself.
Damien didn’t even blink in surprise. He almost seemed to know the question was coming. His face relaxed as he inhaled a heavy breath. “Surely that is not why you are here.”
“It’s not. I just… I want to know why?”
He stood. Running his hand down his smooth face, he came around to sit on the corner of his desk. “Did your mother not explain to you?”
“She said that it was your way of keeping me safe.” I could hear the sadness in my voice, but I did my best to swallow it. Not needing to cry in front of this man who was all but a stranger to me.
“That is the truth, Gabriella. I have many enemies and I wanted to keep you safe. So I thought the best way to do that was to remove myself from your life permanently. It was why I sent you and your mother back to Anton after you were born. He was your mother’s sire and would be able to keep you both safe.”
“Anton is dead,” I spat. I was tired of hearing how everyone thought Anton would keep me safe and he happened to be the one putting my life, and Grayson’s life, in danger.
“How?” He asked like I hadn’t just dropped a bombshell.
“I killed him. He tried to kill my mate simply because he desired me for himself.”
Damien’s eyes locked on the large three karat diamond resting on my ring finger. “Such human symbolism.” He pointed to my ring. “Staking their claim; marking what is theirs, like a dog urinating on their territory.” His blue gaze moved back to my face. “Please do not tell me your mate is a human?” He demanded, seeming genuinely disgusted by the idea.